Greetings to all!
I want to show my work on watercolor and perspective in the urban landscape. Recently, I was completely stolen by the theme of urban landscapes. They have both romance, tragedy, and joyful notes of love and sun. While of course for the basis of their work I take references from the Internet, it's too cold outside, but I think that as soon as the thermometer shows +15 degrees, you can safely go for your own photos for work.
I found on the Internet a wonderful artist Kustova Anastasia, that's just her work and gave me a tremendous push in the urban landscape. Every Thursday she holds masterclasses in watercolors and gives course homework. I never thought that drawing a window with a balcony is so interesting. Her lesson in two hours flew like thirty minutes, but I want to write and paint watercolor again. Stunning artist and amazing work!
One of the master classes of Anastasia Kustova is a linear perspective. Together with her, according to her advice, I got wonderful work. Although I did not draw a city before, let alone cars!
I decided to write this post in English, it gave me something magical. And I really want to share with you my positive! I write with the dictionary, of course, until my knowledge is not enough to write in a foreign language freely, but I'm learning it. My native language is Russian, and I did not leave Russia. Although I really want to visit different countries, see the world. I want to come to Germany. I like architecture here, but I'm not ready to leave for another country. I'm too attached to Russia, to the Krasnodar Territory and to Krasnodar in general!
Today we have sun in Krasnodar, the day is so wonderful that after lunch I will go for a walk along the city streets. I want to take a few photos for my future work in watercolor. I'll tell you this: if you have the opportunity (and you like to draw) draw every day! Only constant work will help you in your work!
I often have defeats in watercolors, the main thing is not to give up and continue my business. Let you have nine bad works, and the tenth will be gorgeous !!
Art is not easy!
My first independent balconies in Moscow. At some point I was even very upset: I got confused in these balconies !! I put aside my sketchbook. Having made myself a coffee, and having smoked a cigarette, I returned to my work. And even if the balconies turned out with errors in the construction, I managed to draw them. I understand that they have a difficult perspective. Just have to work on this more often. And for my failures, I strongly criticize myself, but I continue to put even more complex projects for myself in painting.
And here are a few more works in watercolor. I now have a lot of ideas in my head. I want to embody them as much as possible in drawing on paper. While I try, I study, I understand different watercolor techniques and I enjoy painting.
I also started working with a limited palette. Olive, ocher yellow, iron oxide red, burnt sienna, purple, indigo, gray paints - these are the colors I use now. So let's say that there is not an unexpected shade in the work. This is a good practice by the way, it makes you think and analyze what you are doing.
Very soon, I'll show you how to draw a car with watercolors. In the meantime, I want to wish you success in your work!