суббота, 27 октября 2018 г.

Зона комфорта

Каждый раз заглядывая на себя в зеркало, я рисую образ как я буду выглядеть в том или ином наряде. Мне нравится шить. И тут усидчивости у меня не отнимешь!
Это так называемая зона комфорта, погружение в свой мир шитья!

Так откуда же пошли эти коротенькие платья?

 Длина. Впервые женщины начинают носить мини. Так что надевая короткую юбку, можно вспомнить, что это привет из 60-х. Но все же мода остается достаточно демократичной: образ с длиной миди тоже в тренде.

 Цвет. Платья в стиле 60-х годов обычно очень яркие: желтые, розовые, синие. Трапеция и прямые модели сами по себе лаконичны, поэтому принты помогают сделать их более интересными. Актуальны клетка и горох, цветочный рисунок, геометрические принты.

Декор. На фото того времени видно, что платья часто украшены крупными пуговицами, отложными воротниками и накладными карманами.

Я в этом году просто влюбилась в красный цвет, разноцветные колготки, кеды и белую сумку. Мне мой любимый часто говорит,что платья мне идут, а я все в штаны да в штаны одеваюсь. Распиздяй - 80% это про меня. Ну...и не только в одежде.
Вот сколько вещей в гардеробе нужно девушке, чтоб она была счастлива? А? Мне кажется сколько всего б не было, все равно нечего надеть, уж такая женская сущность.
Выдержка из смс: Саш, как тебе мои ножки?
А мне в ответ: -Во первых это мои ножки. Но очень красивые 

А вот про мое распиздяйство, эт тема отдельная: показали мне большой кукиш почки, то ли я простыла, то ли хз, но дали они о себе знать. Начитавшись ужасов в интернете, поперлась я к врачу. А полиса страхования то не-ма. Почему? Да в лом мне было идти за ним, продлевать. Ну не хожу я по врачам, что поделать, боюсь я их, как огня. А годиков мне 27 так то藍. Как прихватило, забыла я и про боюсь, и про все на свете, сразу и полис получила, и анализы сдавать не страшно. Ссыкун я еще тот. Вот теперь есть у меня прикреплен ка в поликлинике. И оказывается терапевт это не просто зайти попиз**деть, а еще что-то путное может сказать!))

Колготки - для меня отдельная зона комфорта. Только осенью я так страстно их ношу с различными платьями)) И это тоже привет из 60-х))

Я сегодня собралась убрать в долгий ящик все летние вещи, и достать осенне-зимний гардероб. Слишком люблю я осень. И вот пока я разгребала завалы вещей, а их надо выбросить часть точно, обдумывала поведение людей.
Мои фотографии, страницу, да и просто в лс комментируют, это нормально. Кому-то я нравлюсь, кому-то нет. И вот тем кому я НЕ нравлюсь пишут, пишут коменты, СМС, гадости -знаете что я делаю? - Да мне похуй)) Меня удивляет вот что: откуда у вас время выливать ведра с помоями на людей? Ведь жизнь удивительна, и не заключается в просматривании ленты ВК и т.д.
Чтобы я послала открыто на*** человека, меня надо постараться достать, достать окончательно. Это скорее будет предел терпимости, но : я не удаляю из друзей, я не добавляю в ЧС, я просто делаю выводы о человеке, и свожу общение до минимума, в моих глазах падает уважение к этой личности, и только в редких случаях я выливаю матерный алфавит на человека. Моя терпеливость к людям очень высока, я часто удивляюсь их поступкам. Это как эффект закипающего чайника, который кипит, кипит и потом закипает.
Конфликт - наиболее острый способ разрешения противоречий в интересах, целях, взглядах, возникающих в процессе социального взаимодействия, обычно сопровождающийся негативными эмоциями, выходящий за рамки правил и норм. Так зачем идти на конфликт? Зачем портить себе нервы, эмоции, отвечать оппоненту грубостью. Я не говорю о своей СВЯТОСТИ", я еще тот бываю мозгаёб, но если реагировать на все выпады окружающих, через сколько мне потребуется психиатр?

воскресенье, 14 октября 2018 г.

Almost a year!

Good evening!

I was attacked by an autumn chondra. Such a state every fall with the arrival of cold weather. I want something warm. This kind of weather makes me write pictures, walk around the city and do sketches of our streets. You can also afford to sit on the steps and draw. It is interesting to go to a cafe for a cup of coffee and watch people who are rushing to their business. I do not know about you, but autumn brings me both into rapture and sadness at the same time. Something so dying, waiting for something new.
Now I want to fully immerse myself in creativity. And do not even engage in anything other than drawing. I bought a new sketchbook to draw more often on the road. I have a marching set of paints and a brush. I also had markers for drawing and watercolor pencils. Now I can create to the fullest.

When people live long together, they become similar to each other. They have the same verbal expressions, actions, thoughts. They can simultaneously think about the same thing. It becomes amazingly pleasant when you know what to expect from a person.
I thought for a long time what kind of photo to post, I wanted something especially cool for my personal impressions. Or lay out photo jokes that are shot while being together. Well, like a video about boxing and a tail from an ostrich.

We now often try to walk in nature, the weather allows us. On the street red often can be meet painting cylinders.

Of course, if you think that everything is smooth with us and we do not quarrel, you are mistaken - people cannot live without quarrels, showdowns, offenses and complaints. It all depends on how you feel about this and whether you are ready to do something. Compromise or give in. But if we talk about concessions, I think they should not be built on the infringement of their own rights; rather, this is the common sense of cohabitation and relations in general. This is Labor, because to demolish is much easier than to create.
We live for almost a year together, sometimes it seems that it is forever, and another time you think that this year has quickly passed by. Although I sometimes say that I have a year in 10, in fact it is not. It is rather said to evil and from harm.
Today I was flooded with writing a post, a whole outpouring of my thoughts. Probably this state for Sasha's upcoming trip, I don’t want him to leave, even for a couple of days. Not to mention the weekly trip.

I am confused by much in his trip. Probably I would have been less worried if it was a different city, and not Orenburg. I'm jealous of him. His former family lives in this city, his wife with whom he has been divorced for a couple of years. His daughter. Is jealousy a distrust? I am not jealous of a child, but it is possible to play an ex-wife competently on it. Most likely my statements are stupid and not justified. But there is always this damn BUT!
He's jealous of me too, probably even more than me. Peculiar home tyranny. It annoys me, pulls me out. The phone checks annoy me, and it's more humiliating for him than for me. Since I had nothing to hide. I wonder what it is: self-doubt? Ownership? Stupidity? Middle age crisis? Or fear that I will go to another man?
Most likely I'm tired. I do not understand how to respond. I clearly know that I have nothing to hide. Mistrust is one of the reasons for our disagreement. I do not believe him, but he does not believe me! It seems to me another time that it is easier to pack up and leave. On the other hand, this is not an option. I am also offended by the fact that during the year I was not made a proposal for marriage. I had already written my thoughts before. I work in a clinic, and it hurts me that there are children, full-fledged families, but I don’t have it. When spouses come, they have a child and they are happy. Let it be envy. I have never been jealous, probably in my age.

 I keep painting pictures. and as much as possible to draw urban sketching. 
What I find fascinating about pipe our CHP? There must be something from the industrial city. Novorossiysk - the Association with ships and barges, Gelendzhik is a promenade and pine trees,and Krasnodar, as little Paris, it seemed in childhood. And our square "Friendship" in common - Park with an elephant. Few people know this name. Here and live, I'm more to the bone kubanoid that I'm just so jazzed from it all!

 Even on the weekend we grilled kebabs in nature. Positive emotions maintain good relationships. I'm glad we're together.

TIt's a piece of Sasha's conversation. Discussing in detail who and what to do:

oday I'm abidou: prevented me chichinitza in the billiard room or spoil a selfie and jiving on penalties.
But! Mouse(ie I) still udelala first game with a score of 8: 5.
Learn-learn Alexander 
In short, I'm going to win at home and PPC will the explosion of the brain! Ahhhhaa, no, I'm joking, I love him very much!!
And tomorrow is Boxing at 5 am, can you imagine 5!!! Am I blackmailing? Yeah! Want Boxing, sew a tail for a puppeteer Ostrich 
Talk a bit about work:

In the process of making dolls, the dog turned into a goat. Sometimes the process of creating dolls is so amazing that one character can turn into another.
It should be noted that now in development I have not only a game, but also two costumes for theatrical holidays. Today I have a day off, so I can not only do household chores, but also create my own costumes for animation.
If we are talking about household chores, I do not like cleaning up with my spouse. I'm not saying that he is bothering me to do household chores, but it's better when I do it alone. I can sing in the apartment, or listen to the music that I like. Now I asked to buy foam rubber for a new hat for a doll. Very soon I will have two suits. This will be a doll Lol and Pony. And today I began to complete the ostrich costume. I have all my weekends are very busy, it makes me happy. I wish you also enjoy the weekend.

I'm a loser today-level 80!! Whined all the body that I want to ride a scooter.(never skated, even in childhood) today I tried AIII.... I CAN'T KEEP IT BALANCE! PPC??? Oh,Yes!! And that in end, took big!!!!
It can, and on a scooter - no!

How can I not have a dress with guipure? With these bombed laces at the bottom. Sports dress and lace - somewhat unexpected, but I could not get past him. I still have a new sweater with embroidery and bots (I already showed them in Storis), we will hang out with Sasha in the autumn of Krasnodar! Collect herbarium and drink coffee.
Yesterday was a cool day, really, he quickly came to an end. I did not tell you, but my beloved is leaving again on a business trip. This time Orenburg. How is that far.
And by the way I do not see anything strange, but I absolutely do not want to let him go. Even offered to transfer the clock back), well, to stay longer yesterday together. I am like a small child, I do not want to be alone.
 Yesterday we talked about the children on a walk, and so - there will be disputes about what to call even not in the plans of the child, well ... VERY MUCH! This is unusual for me, I want a son, and so that the name was Stanislav, but Sasha does not agree with that. At the expense of the girl’s name, I didn’t even think what surprised him))) And I didn’t even think that I would write about it.

"You say you love the rain, but walk under an umbrella when it goes. You say you love the sun, but when it shines, you hide in the shadows. You say you love the wind, but when it blows, you close the window. That's why I'm scared when you say you love me..."